Facial Trauma
Wake Plastic Surgery proudly serves Cary, Raleigh, and the surrounding areas.
Sometimes, things just happen. Accidents happen. People fall. Dogs bite. Cars crash. And sometimes Dr. Stoeckel will get called to the Emergency Room to help out. The Emergency Room teams are quite good at taking care of most of the issues that come to them. But every once in awhile, a facial injury requires a plastic surgeon's expertise.
What type of injuries does Dr. Stoeckel take care of in the Emergency Room?

Most injuries that the Dr. Stoeckel sees are laceration injuries. Fortunately, most of them are rather simple and can be easily repaired. Most facial lacerations look much worse than actual and putting things back together is straightforward. Many lacerations are caused by fall injuries as was this patient’s. What seemed to be a devastating injury at the time is difficult to distinguish a few years later.

Dog bites
Dog bites are an incredibly common cause of facial injury. Most can be repaired immediately in the Emergency Room and antibiotics given. Because of the excellent blood supply to the face, even difficult dog bite injuries tend to heal quite well with minimal scarring.

Dog Bites in Children
Dog bites and children seem to be an all too frequent combination. Fortunately for all involved, the injuries are usually much scarier at the time than they are permanently disfiguring. It is always nice to be able to get a post op photo of a smiling and happy face.

Child facial injury
Facial injuries with children can be traumatic to both the children and the parents. Dr. Stoeckel has a special gift in being able to make them comfortable and calm. Having children of his own, he has the ability to relate to almost any situation.

Accidents at home
Garage power tools are sometimes the culprit of laceration or degloving injuries. These type of injuries can often create more permanent scarring because of the irregular nature of the skin damage. Even so, once the healing process is complete, patients are not all that bothered by the scars.

Fall injury
Bicycle and motorcycle falls typically end up in the ER. “Road rash” can be very worrisome at the time of injury. But with proper local care and a few stitches the face tends to heal quite well.
Emergency Room Calls
Dr. Stoeckel takes Emergency Room calls at Wake Med Cary Hospital and Wake Med Apex Emergency Rooms. If your child, family member, or friend is involved in an accident and needs a plastic surgeon, feel free to ask for Dr. Stoeckel.
Schedule A Consultation Dr. Stoeckel's Facial Trauma Results