Male Breast Reduction Patient 47
This is a young athlete that was really bothered by the shape of his chest. He was unable to improve his appearance with either weight loss or exercise. He had a gynecomastia reduction procedure with both liposuction and direct excision and these are his 1 month and 8 month results. During the time between his 1 month and 8 month photo, he was able to lose about 30 lbs. He said that his motivation was gone when exercise didn’t change the shape of his chest before the surgery. But after the surgery, he had a new sense of motivation that allowed him to get into the type of shape that he wanted to be in. Although most would consider this just to be a cosmetic procedure, the psychological toll that this condition can play on patients is significant. He now has the freedom to take his shirt off at the beach or the pool or during football and lacrosse workouts without having to feel conspicuous. I couldn’t be happier for a nicer kid.
Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 208 lbs
Months Post Op: 1 and 8