Breast Revision Patient 34
This patient has breast augmentation surgery 13 years ago. She had some very minor changes to her skin envelope over the years and the left breast implant was starting to fall a bit. She had saline implants and was wanting to change them to silicone gel implants. We decided to do a minimal pocket revision on both sides by stabilizing the breast crease with sutures (capsulorrhaphy). The left breast crease was elevated very slightly as well. We increased her volume from 325 cc implants to 415 cc implants. She still has some subtle asymmetry, but things are much improved.
Age: 48
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125 lbs
Months Post Op: 3
Implant Position: dual plane
Incision Site: infrmammary crease
Pre Op Cup Size: C
Post Op Cup Size: D
Implant Type: Sientra Smooth Round Silicone
Left Size: 415 cc
Right Size: 415 cc
Procedures Performed:
Implant exchange
Pocket revisions