Breast Lift with Implants Patient 05
This patient wanted to improve her breast shape, but did not want a vertical scar on her breasts. I discussed her options with her and convinced her that the necessary scar to optimize her breast shape over time would be worth it. She agreed and is seen her 1 year after her breast lift with augmentation. Her scar is not that noticeable now and the shape is dramatically improved. She should have a long lasting result.
Age: 39
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 163 lbs
Months Post Op: 12
Implant Position: Subpectoral
Incision Site: Mastopexy incisions
Pre Op Cup Size: B
Post Op Cup Size: D
Implant Type: Mentor Memory Gel Silicone - Smooth Round
Left Size: 325 cc
Right Size: 325 cc