Breast Augmentation Patient 27
This young patient had a slight tubular breast deformity in which the lower portion of the breast skin was tighter than usual. She wanted to correct the mild tubular deformity, but did not want overly large breasts. She had a surgical procedure that released the tightened breast tissue fibers along with conservative sized silicone implants. This photo is taken only 1 month after surgery. Her results will actually be even better in about 2-3 months.
Age: 19
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 135 lbs
Months Post Op: 1
Implant Position: subpectoral
Incision Site: inframammary
Pre Op Cup Size: A
Post Op Cup Size: C
Implant Type: Mentor Memory Shape Silicone - Smooth Round
Left Size: 215 cc
Right Size: 235 cc