Breast Augmentation Patient 126
This patient wanted to restore some lost breast volume. She had some preoperative asymmetry in which her right breast was slightly more narrow than the left and the crease of the breast on the right was slightly lower than the left. After her surgery, she still has some asymmetries, but she has improved volume and her breasts are very aesthetically pleasing. The upper poles have equal volume and the IMF creases are level. Her only asymmetry now is the slightly elongated distance from the nipple to the breast crease on the left side.
Age: 37
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 127 lbs
Months Post Op: 4
Implant Position: dual plane
Incision Site: inframmmary crease
Pre Op Cup Size: B
Post Op Cup Size: D
Implant Type: Sientra Smooth Round Silicone Gel
Left Size: 355 cc
Right Size: 355 cc