Breast Augmentation Patient 110
This patient had a slightly tricky breast issue with a constricted lower pole, that is the skin of the lower aspect of her breast was tighter than average making the crease of her breast seem a bit too high in relation to her nipple. She needed a very careful implant pocket development that lowered her natural crease, but stabilized it to lower the risk of it “bottoming out” over time. She opted for a very proportionate 285 cc silicone implant that allowed her to achieve a C cup breast size.
Age: 36
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 124 lbs
Months Post Op: 3
Implant Position: dual plane
Incision Site: inframmmary crease
Pre Op Cup Size: A
Post Op Cup Size: C
Implant Type: Sientra Smooth Round Silicone Gel
Left Size: 285 cc
Right Size: 285 cc