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Spotlight Product: Alastin C-Radical Defense!

Posted August 08, 2024 in Skincare Products

Free Radicals break down skin collagen which result in unwanted blemishes such as wrinkles, dark spots, loose skin and fine lines. Due to the increase in skin inflammation, there is less nutrients and oxygen to the cells, a decrease in skin hydration and broken-down collagen fibers. Free radicals can cause harm if levels are too high in the body and lead to illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

How do you prevent free radicals? Antioxidants are key! Antioxidants will help neutralize free radicals and support the immune system while improving the defense power of the body to enhance the quality of your skin and life.

What products can I use? Alastin has a new, clinically proven antioxidant serum called C-Radical Defense Antioxidant Serum. This product consists of Vitamin C and 14 vital antioxidants which helps to shield your skin from environmental toxins and maintains elasticity and resilience for smoother and more radiant skin. C-Radical Defense is proven to help reduce the effects of free radicals in the skin by up to 74%. This stable formula is scent-free, non-tacky to the touch and non-irritating to the skin.

Alastin’s C-Radical Defense is a great product for all skin types and would be a great addition to your daily skin regimen for protection against free radical stressors. For any further questions, please contact our office at (919) 805-3441, or submit an inquiry here.